Umnugovi province is now connected to the capital by a paved road

2014.09.29 Text news

As part of the reform government's goal to connect the provincial centres with Ulaanbaatar city by paved road, the 296 km asphalt road built with Chingis bond financing was divided into five parts, and a contract was signed with the companies.

In 2013-2014, our company supervised the construction of the 83 km Dalanzadgad-Mandalgov road and the 104 km Ulaanbaatar-Mandalgov paved road. Yalgusan LLC, Xinjian Engineering Construction LLC, ESTO LLC, Madimos LLC, and Xinjan Zhengun Jitua LLC, Mongolian Expressway LLC, and JK LLC worked on the projects and handed them over to the state upon completion, thus connecting Ulaanbaatar city with a paved road.

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