Based on the relevant laws and regulations of Mongolia, the joint venture of "MIL" LLC and "SRP Engineer Consulting Mongolia" LLC, a consulting service for design development, with the Ministry of Economy and Development signed a contract for consulting services, "Development of Detailed Design of a New Reinforced Concrete Bridge over the Balj River / Khentii aimag, Dadal sum/".
The design of the reinforced concrete bridge will be carried out in accordance with Mongolian norms and standards. The total length of the reinforced concrete bridge is 120.3m, the width is G-8, the span type is T-shaped reinforced beams, it is designed to have a drilled pile foundation and a metal guardrail.
The access road to the bridge is a category 2B road (with 2-3 lanes, estimated speed of 60 km/h) according to the standard "Road Design" ZZBNbD 22-004-2016.