Project details

  • Dec 2023

  • Nalaikh district, Ulaanbaatar

  • Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and Ministry of Economy and Development

  • State Budget Investment


Detailed engineering design of a 210 meter long concrete bridge over the Tuul River of the Green Zone Summer Camp for Children and Youth of Sukhbaatar District


The joint venture of "SRP Engineer Consulting Mongolia" LLC and "MIL" LLC as a consultant to the Ministry of Economy and Development on "Development of a detailed design for the construction of a 210 m long concrete bridge over the Tuul River of the Green Zone Summer Camp for Children and Youth in Sukhbaatar district" signed a service contract and carried out the design of the reinforced concrete bridge following the norms and standards applicable in Mongolia.

The total length of the reinforced concrete bridge to be built on the main diversion of the Tuul River is 198 m, the width is G-8, the pedestrian width is 1.5 m, the structure is designed with 24 m long reinforced I-type beams, drilled pile foundations and steel railings.

The access road to the bridge is a local road class 3B with non-permanent traffic according to the standard "Road Design" ZZBNbD 22-004-2016, with 2 lanes and a design speed of 50 km/h.
