Project details

  • Oct 2018

  • 1st khoroo, Nalaikh district, Ulaanbaatar

  • Capital Road Development Office

  • Local Budget Investment


Detailed design of road to connect the road of the 1st khoroo of Nalaih district with the Millennium Road.


Based on the materials of the geodetic and geological survey conducted in June 2018 on behalf of the Capital Road Development Department with funds from the Local Development Fund of Nalaih District, Ulaanbaatar City, the design of the road was developed. Based on the general design of the road given in the drawing order, taking into account the condition of the road surface, electrical network, and land, route 1 is planned from the end of the existing asphalt concrete road of the 1st khoroo of Nalaih district to the intersection of T-shaped, and the next T-shaped intersection beyond the intersection route 2 to Myangan Road, and route 3 is planned to continue from this intersection to Millennium Road.
